Nieuwsbrief December 2018

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Language course

Kickstartschool / The Hague

Takes you further!” is the motto of my language training institute ‘Kickstart School’ which has more than 12 years of experience in giving language training to specific target groups.

The au pair group was the first target group that Kickstart developed special teaching materials for. I had had an au pair myself and I knew exactly what the girls needed to know to do their jobs well. In the ‘Dutch for Au Pairs’ course everything is focused on the children, so concepts like ‘playground’ and ‘bucket and spade’ are indispensable! The grammar is also discussed on a limited scale. The social function of the language courses is also important. Host families like it when their au pairs have friends.


We do not only provide specific Basic Dutch courses for au pairs. Quite often, German and South African au pairs are at higher levels and want to progress in Dutch, with the possibility of taking the Dutch State II Examination as well.


For those who prefer to develop further in English, we also have the entire range of ‘General English’ courses from ‘Elementary’ to ‘Proficient’ level. We also offer ‘Conversation English’ and ‘Business English’ and Exam courses.


The basic Dutch for Au Pair course (24 hours) costs € 320.00 and includes all teaching materials. On the other courses a discount of € 40.00 is offered for au pairs, so the course prices start from € 320.00 (24 hours).

What distinguishes Kickstart School from other language schools?

  • A dedicated and expert team of permanent teachers, who are proud to always deliver quality
  • Good price / quality ratio
  • Years of experience (more than 12 years)
  • Central Den Haag location
  • Good accessibility by public transport

Kickstart new address : Koninginnegracht 62, 2514 AG Den Haag


TAALTHUIS / Language course specialy for Au Pairs

Nieuwe leslocatie in Wassenaar!

Met veel plezier starten wij in 2019 met lesgeven in Wassenaar! Vanaf eind januari kunnen au pairs en expats uit Wassenaar en wijde omgeving Nederlandse les volgen op onze mooie les locatie aan de Langstraat in het centrum van Wassenaar. Schrijf je nu in!

New course location in Wassenaar!

We are happy to inform you that at the end of January 2019 we will start teaching in the centre of Wassenaar. This new lesson location in the Langstraat is a perfect place to learn Dutch for au pairs and expats who live in and around Wassenaar.
Check the course schedule and sign up!
Verder willen we jullie nog herinneren aan de extra korting die au pairs van een Bonapa bureau ontvangen wanneer ze de kortingscode KNOWN AT SNAPS (DIT IS DUS NIET DE KORTINGSCODE, GRAAG ONS CONTACTEN) invullen. Dus als jullie au pairs of au-pairfamilies  deze code invullen als ze zich registreren voor een cursus ontvangen een totale korting van 15%!

Event “Ice Skating / Sculpture Cool Event

Dit event zal plaatsvinden d.d. zondag 13 januari a.s. te Scheveningen (voor het Kurhaus) aanvang 13.30 uur. Dit event is uiteraard voor de SNAPS Au Pairs en BoNaPa Au Pair en niet toegankelijk voor niet SNAPS Au Pairs and BoNaPa Au Pairs, etc.

U kunt uw au pair (SNAPS gezin) inschrijven via [email protected]

Inschrijvingen voor uw Au Pair kunt u doen tot en met 5 januari 2019.

Wij hopen uw Au Pair op het event te zien.


Event “Ice Skating / Sculpture Cool Event

This event will take place on Sunday 13 January 2019 in Scheveningen (for the Kurhaus) at 1.30 pm. This event is of course for the SNAPS Au Pairs and BoNaPa au pair and not accessible

for non SNAPS or non BONAPA Au Pairs, etc.

Super Nanny Au Pair Services is closed between Christmas and New Year.

For urgent matters, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]. For very urgent matters that can not wait you can also call our office number 070 3184812 and leave a voicemail message so that we can call you back!

The SNAPS team wishes you and your family a very nice Christmas and a very healthy and happy new year!

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