Return ticket
Super Nanny Au Pair Services will arrange travel for your au pair to the Netherlands for you, the host family. In principle, this must be a return ticket (sometimes a single ticket is permitted; we would be happy to explain this to you in a personal meeting). We will always discuss the costs with you first, before finalizing the reservation. Please note that a return ticket is only valid for 12 months and cannot be extended after that date. Once your au pair has arrived in the Netherlands, the ticket will have to be changed to the date by which your au pair has to leave the Netherlands (after a maximum of 12 months). You can see this on her residence permit / ID card. The travel agency we work with will remind you when the ticket needs to be changed to the final departure date.
Compulsory insurance
Before your au pair leaves the country of origin, JoHo health insurance and liability insurance must be taken out for the au pair (ISIS au pair insurance). This is not covered by the basic coverage of your own health insurance. We can also arrange this insurance for you.
Au pair insurance
Au pair insurance is required for every au pair. The service we offer (free of charge) in cooperation with JoHo Insurances is the arrangement of the ISIS au pair insurance. There are 2 types of insurance:
- ISIS Au Pair World Plus, 12 months for €540,(recommended)
- ISIS Au Pair World, 12 months for €444
More information on this insurance can be found here. Once we have arranged the ISIS au pair insurance for you, you will receive more information from our insurance partner JoHo Insurances about taking out basic health insurance and applying for healthcare benefit. The ISIS au pair insurance must be arranged before the au pair departs the country of origin.
Basic health insurance
Your au pair is required to take out basic health insurance. Information on applying for and cancelling basic health insurance as well as healthcare benefit can be found here. You can apply for insurance as soon as the au pair is registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) and has received a citizen service number (BSN). We recommend maintaining the ISIS au pair insurance as your primary insurance. You can then take out basic health insurance with the highest possible voluntary policy excess. This will bring the insurance premium down to about €63 per month. Once the au pair has applied for basic health insurance, you can apply for healthcare benefit for her from the Tax and Customs Administration. The au pair must have her own bank account number in order to receive healthcare benefit. In our experience, it is easiest and quickest to arrange a bank account with ING, see here. Many host families then choose to have the health insurance premium debited from the au pair's bank account. This way, the premium and the healthcare benefit cancel each other out.
If the au pair becomes seriously ill
In the first instance, medical expenses are covered by basic healthcare insurance. Most claims are submitted to the health insurance company by the healthcare provider 'behind the scenes'. If health insurance has not yet been arranged, in the case of a hospital admission you can also contact ISIS Assistance. See below.
Death of an au pair or immediate family members
ISIS Assistance provides assistance in the event that the au pair becomes seriously ill or is involved in an accident, or in the event of death of an immediate family member of the au pair. In case of emergency, the assistance center can be called 24 hours a day on the following number: ISIS Assistance: +31 (0)20 592 92 82. Once we have arranged the ISIS au pair insurance for you, you will receive more information from our insurance partner JoHo Insurances about taking out basic health insurance and applying for healthcare benefit. The necessary authorization form can be found in the appendix. The insurance must be arranged before the au pair departs the country of origin[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row].