Conditions for host family

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Conditions for host family


Specific conditions for the host family:

Guidelines for the host family in the Netherlands

Au Pair and Exchange

The host family must earn at least the statutory minimum wage for their family situation, supplemented by 50% of the minimum wage for married couples and unmarried cohabitants. The total income requirement then becomes:

Standard amounts

The standard amounts under the Wml are reviewed by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment every year on 1 January and 1 July and published in the Government Gazette. The standard amounts are therefore valid until such time as a new standard amount is announced by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. This is followed by the Wml standard amounts as they apply from 1 January 2022.

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The standard amounts for the host family are as follows:

The standard amounts in the context of Wml = Minimum Wage and Minimum Holiday Allowance Act are revised every year on 1 January and 1 July by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and published in the Government Gazette. Because the IND is based on the standard amounts of the WML, you should take into account that the standard amounts will change on 1 January and 1 July.

(SV) Amounts

The above amounts are gross amounts. In the case of income from paid employment, the social security wage is taken into account. This is the wage on which social security contributions are calculated. The SV wage can be found on the payslip and is sometimes also referred to as wage for the Health Insurance Act (ZVW) or wage for payroll tax (fiscal wage). The income must be available for at least 12 months from the time of submission of the application. [/vc_column_text] [/vc_column] [/vc_row]