Newsletter March 2020
Lock down Corona Virus in The Netherlands Please see Dutch Government website for the latest information on Covid-19 virus. ISIS Au pair Insurance and Corona My au pair is still in the home country and will not come to The Netherlands anymore, I did make some expenses such as a flight ticket and want to [...]
Newsletter January 2020
Application for a residence permit as an au pair Required amounts valid from January 1, 2020 until June 30, 2020 Host family of a married/unmarried couple living together Sv-loon per month without holiday allowance € 2,453.40 Sv-loon per month with holiday allowance € 2,649.68 Host family of single parent Sv-loon per month without holiday allowance € 1,962.72 Sv-loon per [...]
Newsletter November 2019
Events Super Nanny Au Pair Services organizes a number of events per year, we also do this for the affiliated BONAPA agencies. These events are especially for the au pairs. It is therefore also important that your au pair participate in this. The events that we organize ourselves are always with a social and sporting [...]
Newsletter July/August 2019
Super Nanny Au Pair Services / Summer opening hours Office hours during the summer holidays from July 29 until August 11th, 2019 a.s. our office will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For urgent matters that cannot wait I would like to ask you to send an email [...]